
The C2C company has been operating on the market since 2009 and is a place of work for nearly 100 people.
The production plant processes regenerated polyethylene raw materials. They are safe materials that can be repeatedly reproduced, which makes them easy to recycle.

The company constantly follows trends in sustainable development and introduces process and product innovations, has its own laboratory for testing materials and development works.

The goal of C2C is to create specific solutions for the circular economy. Plastic waste is for them a resource that is transformed into valuable products. The company was one of the first in the country to implement on an industrial scale the production of packaging from starch and bacteriostatic films.

The guarantee of process optimization with low water and electricity consumption is ensured by a modern machinery park. C2C has the latest technologies for the processing of leading materials from world producers, mainly Italian and German.

The typical "T-shirt" commercial which is currently on the market is an excellent product in the polyethylene waste cycle. The ideal raw material for its production is post-production waste from factories producing single-use medical or food products that can not be "recycled" for hygienic reasons. Pethered plastic waste from selective collection works well too. Another product in the process is the garbage bag, which as less demanding can be repeatedly played.

Bacteriostatic films thanks to their properties extend their usefulness time and unpackaged products.
Starch packaging manufactured at C2C is specially labeled so that the consumer knows that after their final use they should reach the waste container BIO.