5th symposium on urban mining and circular economy
Following the success of the fourth edition held in 2018, which saw the participation of almost 250 delegates from a wide variety of countries, SUM 2020 / the 5th Symposium on Urban Mining and Circular Economy will be held in May 2020 at the University of Bologna.
The Symposium will last three days and will include spoken sessions, a poster session and a technical tour. The following topics, among others, will be extensively discussed:
- waste avoidance
- sources and characterisation of resources in urban areas
- technologies for the extraction of materials
- techniques of waste segregation
- separate collection
- takeback programmes
- recirculation pathways and markets
- recovery of abandoned urban areas
- carbon and water footprint of material recycling
- economic and legal aspects
- urban mining and circular economy concepts in developing countries
- The Call for Papers is open until 31st January, 2020
For more information, view the conference website: https://www.urbanmining.it/